Rare Bruce Lee Photo Gallery 12
Rare Bruce Lee Photo Gallery 11

Rare Bruce Lee Photo Gallery 12

Rare Bruce Lee Photo Gallery 13

Rare Bruce Lee Photo Gallery 14

Rare Bruce Lee Photo Gallery 15

Rare Bruce Lee Photo Gallery 16

More pics for everyone!
Hope you like them!

Left pic:
Very rare pic of Bruce with an award. I don't know what the award is for, where it was taken or when! Anyone know? Looks like pic could have been taken in about 72. Maybe for his first 3 HK films.
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Bruce in an interview in about 71 at the press conference for the release of "The Big Boss"
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Bruce either playing around on set of Big Boss in 71 OR he has been sparring with him (A thai boxer) and has hurt him. Meanwhile, Lee Quin looks on! A pic from Pedro Madeiros but orgininally a pic of George Tan. Tan says that this pic was a deleted sequence of the Thai ice factory brawl!
Right pic:
Very rare and cool pic of Bruce in ETD 73.
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Bruce doing a flying kick while his brother Robert looks on! Bruce has his moustache here so it could have been around 70 / 71. Nice pic
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Nice pic of Bruce in the Shaw Brothers Studio around 71. This was around the time of Fist of Fury and Bruce was experimenting with costumes for future films. All my costume pics are from a "karate-bushido" magazine and were shot in late 72 in Shaw Brothers Studios.
Left pic:
Similar to above pic!

My small site dedicated to Bruce Lee!