Rare Bruce Lee Photo Gallery 11
Rare Bruce Lee Photo Gallery 11

Rare Bruce Lee Photo Gallery 12

Rare Bruce Lee Photo Gallery 13

Rare Bruce Lee Photo Gallery 14

Rare Bruce Lee Photo Gallery 15

Rare Bruce Lee Photo Gallery 16

If you would like to contribute some pics:
Please email me at DJBlobby@hotmail.com along with your name and location so that I can credit you on my site!

Nice pic of Bruce. Not sure when and where it was taken though!

Bruce with his women! Not really, the two women are GH studio actress' Nora Miao and Maria Yi.

Bruce with Nora and Maria again

Rare pic of Bruce and Green Hornet star Van Williams in 66/67

Same location and time as left pic!

Similar to left pic again!

Bruce celebrating a birthday in about 69 I think!

Bruce kicking a board in half. The bloke holding the board is Bruce's friend James Lee.

Nice pic of Bruce showing a peace sign.

Nice pic of Bruce leaning on his car in 72.

Another pic of Bruce at same time as left pic!

Bruce with his Mercedes in 72 during time of Game of Death

Nice pic of Bruce in his shades in 72

Bruce on set of Fist of Fury in 71. Rare pic

Nice pic of Bruce with James Tien and Chieh Yuan in Game of Death. Unfortunately, this film was never complete due to Bruce postpoing it to do Enter the Dragon. The footage that Bruce had done in 72 was discovered in Golden Harvest Studios in 1999!

Rare pic of the cast of Fist of Fury in 71.

Bruce in WOTD in 72. Not a rare pic but quite interesting!

Bruce in ETD in 73. Not rare but a nice pic!

Very rare pic of Bruce with his car in about 72. Very cool pic!

Very rare pic of Bruce around 1970 / 71. I have no idea where this pic was taken but I will guess that it was perhaps during Longstreet?

Nice promo shot of Bruce for Fist of Fury in 71.

Nice pic of Bruce and Kareem Abdul Jabbar in Game of Death in 72. It is not a rare pic but a nice height comparison. Bruce was only 5"7.5 while Kareem was 7"2!

Bruce in Fist of Fury in 71. This is from the last scene where Bruce gets arrested. Not rare pic but quite nice!

Bruce as Kato in the Green Hornet in 66 / 67. The other bloke is Van Williams who was the Green Hornet!

Bruce helping a student of the Shaolin Temple with his martial arts. Bruce teaches the student through philosophy, "dont, think.....feeeeeeel"!

Nice pic of Bruce fighting Han in ETD in 73. This pic is awesome quality even twice this size!

Rare pic of Bruce. I think this was taken in about 67 but no idea where.

Pic of Bruce with Van Williams (left) and Bruce's friend George Lee (centre). Bruce and George often wrote letters to each other round this time (66 / 67). George used to make specal equipment for Bruce for his training.

Bruce in Fist of Fury in 71. Not rare but quite smart!

Bruce beating up Han in ETD 73


My small site dedicated to Bruce Lee!